
I have created a MPEG-4 video file as:

./encoder option_files/enc_mp4ps_ntsc_03m_cbr.ini mp4ps03m.mpg

It was successfully played as:

./decoder option_files/dec_mp4ps_ntsc.ini mp4ps03m.mpg.

Then, I have converted the MPEG-4 file into DivX file as:

./ps2divx mp4ps03m.mpg mp4ps03m.avi

It was successfully played by Windows application such as Media Player Classic.

However, I could not play the DivX file with VW2010. Could you tell me the right way to deal with the Vweb SimpleMux file? The following is the log.

Thank you in advance for your efforts.

 ./decoder option_files/dec_mp4ps_ntsc.ini mp4ps03m.avi -divx
[ Vweb VW2010 SDK2 Decoder v2.50 ]
[ DECODER ]          -> Compiled on: [Jan 17 2005 19:20:21]
[ vwSDK.so ]         -> Compiled on: [Jan 17 2005 19:19:10]

-> DiVX to VwebPS conversion, please wait...
./avi2smux mp4ps03m.avi result.smux
[DiVX AVI to Vweb SimpleMux converter]
Converting AVI [mp4ps03m.avi] -> Vweb SimpleMux [result.smux]
=> setMsgLevel set to 1
openDevice("/dev/vw2010/vw2010_00") board #0 succeeded, handle=00000003
=> Putting VW2010 Board #0 in Reset Mode...success!
=> Resetting Encoder...success!
=> Resetting Decoder...success!
=> Resetting Signature...Success!
=> Reset Driver handles board #0
=> VW2010 detected
=> PCI Driver Version = 0x20041113
transfer timeout is 5
single transfer is 8 pages
=> FW Download: [boot.sre] succeeded!
=> FW Verify: [boot.sre] succeeded!
=> FW Download: [pscodec.sre] succeeded!
=> FW Verify: [pscodec.sre] succeeded!
starting MIPS
checking MIPS
> MIPs microcode initialization succeeded!
=> Firmware running!
=>vw2010_ioctl(0): [_ALLOC_CMD_BLOCK] (0)  virtAddr=0xaf370000 busAddr=0x0f370000
 Firmware is Running!
=> PSDEMUX Firmware version N/A
Firmware version # = 0 [0x00000000]
--- decode_thread() created!
setupDevice() <Program Stream DEMUX>
Send reset cmd...
setting (0x020A) video_format                   = ( 1        [0x00000001] )
setting (0x020E) mpeg_coding_standard           = ( 4        [0x00000004] )
setting (0x020F) loopback_mode                  = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0001) bypass_mode                    = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0003) input_device                   = ( 3        [0x00000003] )
setting (0x001E) pci_endianess                  = ( 1        [0x00000001] )
setting (0x0020) preview_mode                   = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0021) auto_demux                     = ( 1        [0x00000001] )
setting (0x001F) bit_rate                       = ( 20000000 [0x01312D00] )
setting (0x1003) demux_write_fifo_address       = ( 12584960 [0x00C00800] )
setting (0x1002) demux_read_fifo_address        = ( 12583680 [0x00C00300] )
setting (0x0007) video_pid                      = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0030) audio1_pid                     = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0031) audio2_pid                     = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0210) short_header                   = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0050) audio_delay                    = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0031) av_sync                        = ( 1        [0x00000001] )
setting (0x003F) stop_background_color          = ( 49       [0x00000031] )
setting (0x0040) decoder_pwm                    = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0041) underflow_background_color     = ( 49       [0x00000031] )
setting (0x0043) flush_before_stop              = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0044) timeout_to_show_background     = ( 2        [0x00000002] )
setting (0x0045) fast_restart                   = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x003E) clock_recovery                 = ( 1        [0x00000001] )
setting (0x0042) vweb_stream_type               = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0046) audio_dual_mono                = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0047) audio_mute                     = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0057) aud_decoder_selected_channel   = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0058) aud_vweb_private_stream_format = ( 1        [0x00000001] )
setting (0x005A) Video_output_config            = set 3 INT32 array elements
setting (0x005B) Video_aspect_ratio             = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0060) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_b      = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0061) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_c      = ( 3        [0x00000003] )
setting (0x0062) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_k      = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0063) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_l      = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0064) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_m      = ( 2        [0x00000002] )
setting (0x0065) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_n      = ( 2        [0x00000002] )
setting (0x0066) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_p      = ( 1.000000 [0x3F800000] )
setting (0x0067) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_s      = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0068) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_u      = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
setting (0x0069) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_x      = ( 0.000000 [0x00000000] )
setting (0x006A) aud_ac3_decoder_setting_y      = ( 0.000000 [0x00000000] )
setting (0x006B) aud_ac3_decoder_out_chan0      = ( 76       [0x0000004C] )
setting (0x006C) aud_ac3_decoder_out_chan1      = ( 82       [0x00000052] )
setting (0x006D) aud_ac3_decoder_out_chan2      = ( 67       [0x00000043] )
setting (0x006E) aud_ac3_decoder_out_chan3      = ( 108      [0x0000006C] )
setting (0x006F) aud_ac3_decoder_out_chan4      = ( 114      [0x00000072] )
setting (0x0070) aud_ac3_decoder_out_chan5      = ( 115      [0x00000073] )
setting (0x0072) aud_decoder_drop_bitstream     = ( 0        [0x00000000] )
configureI2CTable(): sending I2C Table # 5
Starting DEMUX device...
decode_thread startWriteDevice() success!
decoder_thread() recv 1048576 bytes 1.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 2097152 bytes 2.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 3145728 bytes 3.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 4194304 bytes 4.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 5242880 bytes 5.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 6291456 bytes 6.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 7340032 bytes 7.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 8388608 bytes 8.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 9437184 bytes 9.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 10485760 bytes 10.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 11534336 bytes 11.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 12582912 bytes 12.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 13631488 bytes 13.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 14680064 bytes 14.00 MBytes
decoder_thread() recv 15728640 bytes 15.00 MBytes
++++++++++END_OF_FILE has been reached, stopping
=> Waiting for Decoder FIFO to drain

Stopping DEMUX device... decode_thread() stopWriteDevice() succeeded

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