#navi(Fdau) #counter #contents -[[TOPPERS本家:http://www.toppers.jp/index.html]] -[[ITRON TCP/IPの仕様書:http://www.ertl.jp/ITRON/SPEC/tcpip-j.html]] * Field Data Aquision Unit Debug [#s687f879] * おしらせ [#qaf1c606] -TOPPERSカーネルをアップデート1.4.1 -TINETをアップデート1.2.1 -12/14からバグ出し中です。 *FDAUデバッグ [#oa09e71a] **擬似サーバのダウン [#z5a18c00] -2台のFDAUでfdauchkを使っていると、8時間ほどでダウンする。 accept success <29376> forks <29380> success get length = 3685 Received charactors = 3685 Send HTTP response closed accept success <29380> forks <29381> success log file open: Too many open files in system accept: Too many open files in system -エラーを吐いてるのはここ。 /* do this process */ printf("<%d> forks <%d> success\n", getpid(), tpid); sprintf(s, "fdauchk%d.log", getpid()); if((fp = fopen(s, "w")) == NULL) syserr("log file open"); qflag = 0; **擬似サーバのレスポンス待ちでハングする [#u87806a6] -タスクの状態 TASK Status ID PI State 1 2 RUNNABLE 2 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 3 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 4 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP 5 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 6 5 DORMANT 7 3 DORMANT 8 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED 9 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED 10 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED タスク2, 3, 5がWOBJになっている |~タスクID|~タスク| |2|NET/TIMER| |3|TCP OUTPUT| |5|ETHER INPUT| Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...[FDML:01] connect error: E_OBJ Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...[FDML:01] connect error: E_OBJ Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...[FDML:01] connect error: E_OBJ 3分間隔で接続要求していることから、リトライ期間中であると言える。 -接続、送信、受信でタイムアウトを設定する。 -正常動作時のタスク状況 TASK Status ID PI State 1 2 RUNNABLE 2 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 3 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 4 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP 5 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 6 5 DORMANT 7 3 DORMANT 8 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED 9 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED 10 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED -送信タイムアウトを設定し、接続時にペンディングしているタスクをキャンセル Send FDML... Connect to port 8080... Count FDML data size... Send HTTP header... Send FDML body...wait responce. [FDML:01 SND] send error: E_TMOUT [RCV] length = 0 HTTP responce = -E_TMOUT reported by `res = twai_sem(SEM_FDML_NBLK_READY, 10000)' in line 377 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. 1 [RCV:01] close error: E_OBJ ]done. E_TMOUT reported by `twai_sem(SEM_FDML_NBLK_READY, 10000)' in line 554 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. %ps TASK Status ID PI State 1 2 RUNNABLE 2 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 3 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 4 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP 5 4 RUNNABLE|SLEEP|WOBJ 6 5 DORMANT 7 3 DORMANT 8 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED 9 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED 10 4 RUNNABLE|SUSPENDED % Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...[FDML:01] connect error: E_OBJ [FDML:01 CBN] recv dat error: E_RLWAI Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...[FDML:01] connect error: E_OBJ E_OBJ reported by `tcp_can_cep((ID)exinf, TFN_TCP_ALL)' in line 459 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. E_TMOUT reported by `twai_sem(SEM_FDML_NBLK_READY, 1000)' in line 460 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. リトライ間隔(3分)で接続要求を繰り返す。 **ログに多くのデータがあるときに、送信タイムアウトしてしまう [#ve6c27a8] -12/28 16:00〜データ蓄積中 -ログに多くのデータがあるときの障害ではなく、サーバがダウンしたときの障害と考えられる。 理由は後述する。 **テクノリンクからのアクセスのnetstat結果 [#bf089137] Local Address Foreign Address Proto Recv-Q Send-Q (state) g6.wivicom.co.jp.8080 *.* tcp 0 0 LISTEN g6.wivicom.co.jp.8080 techno4.techno-l.1107 tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED g6.wivicom.co.jp.ssh dns1.techno-link.33769 tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED g6.wivicom.co.jp.ssh ns.wivicom.co.jp.61743 tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED g6.wivicom.co.jp.8080 techno4.techno-l.1061 tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -TIME_WAITの調査が必要 --TCP切断後、1分間はTIME_WAITになる。telnetによる接続でも同じなので良しとする。 --TIME_WAIT中はfdauchkの再起動はできない。 **サーバを停止した後、送信が復旧しない [#m905c9e4] -tcp_connectの戻り値を調べる -サーバの再起動でも送信が復旧しない。 -FDAU側のエラー状況 Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...[FDML:01] connect error 2: E_CLS E_OBJ reported by `tcp_can_cep((ID)exinf, TFN_TCP_ALL)' in line 463 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. E_QOVR reported by `wup_tsk(FDML_CLIENT_TASK)' in line 902 of `../tinet/netapp/fdau_cons.c'. E_QOVR reported by `wup_tsk(FDML_CLIENT_TASK)' in line 902 of `../tinet/netapp/fdau_cons.c'. E_QOVR reported by `wup_tsk(FDML_CLIENT_TASK)' in line 902 of `../tinet/netapp/fdau_cons.c'. コネクトでエラーになるのは当然として、 tcp_can_cepがエラーになるのが変。 ここでWOBJになってるので、wup_tskでE_QOVRになると考えられる。 -どうやら、tcp_can_cepがE_OBJエラーになった後、コールバック関数は呼ばれないらしい。 wai_semではなくtwai_semに変更した。 Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...[FDML:01] connect error 2: E_CLS E_OBJ reported by `tcp_can_cep((ID)exinf, TFN_TCP_ALL)' in line 463 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. E_TMOUT reported by `twai_sem(SEM_FDML_NBLK_READY, 1000)' in line 464 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...[FDML:01] connect error 2: E_CLS E_OBJ reported by `tcp_can_cep((ID)exinf, TFN_TCP_ALL)' in line 463 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. E_TMOUT reported by `twai_sem(SEM_FDML_NBLK_READY, 1000)' in line 464 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. Send FDML... Connect to port 8080... Count FDML data size... Send HTTP header... Send FDML body...wait responce. [RCV] length = 17 HTTP/1.0 200 OK [RCV] length = 63 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp [RCV] length = 43 ja <HTML><BODY>success OK</BODY></HTML> [RCV] length = 0 HTTP responce = 200 done. -Etherケーブルを切断した時の復旧状況 Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...E_TMOUT reported by `(res = twai_sem(SEM_FDML_NBLK_READY, 10000))' in line 460 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. [FDML:01] connect error 2: E_RLWAI Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...E_TMOUT reported by `(res = twai_sem(SEM_FDML_NBLK_READY, 10000))' in line 460 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. [FDML:01] connect error 2: E_RLWAI Send FDML... Connect to port 8080... Count FDML data size... Send HTTP header... Send FDML body...wait responce. [RCV] length = 17 HTTP/1.0 200 OK [RCV] length = 63 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp [RCV] length = 43 ja <HTML><BODY>success OK</BODY></HTML> [RCV] length = 0 HTTP responce = 200 done. -長時間Ethernetケーブルを外したときの復旧状況。 --Ethernetケーブルを外して24時間放置した。 --logdumpを見ると、最終dateが12/28 16:00から12/28 17:00に変化してした。 リングバッファの更新に問題ないといえる。~ #ref(log1608.txt) Send FDML... Connect to port 8080...E_TMOUT reported by `(res = twai_sem(SEM_FDML_NBLK_READY, 10000))' in line 460 of `../tinet/netapp/fdml.c'. [FDML:01] connect error 2: E_RLWAI Send FDML... Connect to port 8080... Count FDML data size... Send HTTP header... Send FDML body...wait responce. [RCV] length = 17 HTTP/1.0 200 OK [RCV] length = 63 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp [RCV] length = 43 ja <HTML><BODY>success OK</BODY></HTML> [RCV] length = 0 HTTP responce = 200 done. Send FDML... Connect to port 8080... Count FDML data size... Send HTTP header... Send FDML body...wait responce. [RCV] length = 17 HTTP/1.0 200 OK [RCV] length = 63 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp [RCV] length = 43 ja <HTML><BODY>success OK</BODY></HTML> [RCV] length = 0 HTTP responce = 200 done. *スケルトンのコンパイル [#ia774ffa] JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (patchlevel = 1) for AKI-H8/3069F (Oct 22 2004, 14:43:23) Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN System logging task is started on port 2. [CONSOLE:9] started. [ETHER INPUT: 5] started on MAC Addr: 00:02:cb:01:74:db. [ETHER OUTPUT:4] started. TINET Release 1.2 for JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (Oct 22 2004, 14:41:31) Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering Tomakomai National College of Technology, JAPAN [NET/TIMER:2] started. [TCP OUTPUT:3] started. *RTCの動作確認 [#d455849e] JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (patchlevel = 1) for AKI-H8/3069F (Oct 22 2004, 14:43:23) Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN System logging task is started on port 2. %[CONSOLE:9] started. [ETHER INPUT: 5] started on MAC Addr: 00:02:cb:01:74:db. [ETHER OUTPUT:4] started. TINET Release 1.2 for JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (Oct 22 2004, 14:41:31) Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering Tomakomai National College of Technology, JAPAN [NET/TIMER:2] started. [TCP OUTPUT:3] started. %rtcset //RTCに時刻を設定 year=04 month=10 day=26 hour=10 min=37 sec=35 %rtcget //RTCから読み込み 2004/10/26 10:37:43 JST %rtcget //もう一度読み込み(時刻が動いているのが分かる) 2004/10/26 10:38:06 JST % //10分間の電源切断 JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (patchlevel = 1) for AKI-H8/3069F (Oct 22 2004, 14:43:23) Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN System logging task is started on port 2. %[CONSOLE:9] started. [ETHER INPUT: 5] started on MAC Addr: 00:02:cb:01:74:db. [ETHER OUTPUT:4] started. TINET Release 1.2 for JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (Oct 22 2004, 14:41:31) Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering Tomakomai National College of Technology, JAPAN [NET/TIMER:2] started. [TCP OUTPUT:3] started. %rtcget //バッテリバックアップされている 2004/10/26 10:47:34 JST % バッテリバックアップ時間の実測が必要 *ADCの動作確認 [#l0d84677] チャネル7に2Vを印加 %adcget ch.0 128 ch.1 128 ch.2 128 ch.3 128 ch.4 128 ch.5 128 ch.6 128 ch.7 27200 0〜5V印加時のA/D値 #ref(ADC1026.pdf); *EEPROMの動作確認 [#dfc495d4] -READ時~ 上段からSCL, SDA #ref(eeread.jpg); -WRITE時~ 上段からSCL, SDA, TXD。WRITE終了後5msのウエイトが観測できた #ref(eewrite.jpg); *ARPおよびICMPの動作確認 [#fa1fe292] -FDAU(に対して、からpingを送ったところ。 05:59:11.140813 arp who-has tell 05:59:11.142523 arp reply is-at 0:2:cb:1:74:db 05:59:11.142692 > icmp: echo request 05:59:11.145996 > icmp: echo reply 05:59:12.157036 > icmp: echo request 05:59:12.159375 > icmp: echo reply 05:59:13.167002 > icmp: echo request 05:59:13.169358 > icmp: echo reply 05:59:14.177078 > icmp: echo request 05:59:14.179714 > icmp: echo reply -FDAU(から、にpingを送ったところ。 06:28:37.095566 arp who-has tell 06:28:37.095800 arp reply is-at 0:90:99:51:47:fc 06:28:37.097775 > icmp: echo request 06:28:56.253064 > icmp: echo request 06:28:56.253299 > icmp: echo reply -FDAU(から、ルータ(を通して、にpingを送ったところ。 06:29:07.870484 > icmp: echo request 06:29:07.965997 > icmp: echo reply -%%routeを設定するとifconfigが壊れてしまう。%%->GET_IPADDRへの引数の間違い -%%pingを実行するとifconfigが壊れてしまう。%%->GET_IPADDRへの引数の間違い *log関数の動作確認 [#vfc6c0e0] JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (patchlevel = 1) for FDAU10 (Oct 30 2004, 06:58:52) Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN System logging task is started on port 2. [CONSOLE:9] started. [ETHER INPUT: 5] started on MAC Addr: 00:02:cb:01:74:db. [ETHER OUTPUT:4] started. TINET Release 1.2 for JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (Oct 30 2004, 06:56:59) Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering Tomakomai National College of Technology, JAPAN [NET/TIMER:2] started. [TCP OUTPUT:3] started. %logclear //ログのクリア data size = 24 %logadd //データを4個ログに入れる %logadd %logadd %logadd %logdump //ログの内容を確認 2004/11/05 14:27:52 JST 0080 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0080 0080 80 2004/11/05 14:27:57 JST 0080 0080 0040 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 80 2004/11/05 14:28:01 JST 0080 0080 0080 0080 0080 0080 0040 0040 80 2004/11/05 14:28:03 JST 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0080 0080 0040 80 % //ここで電源切断 JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (patchlevel = 1) for FDAU10 (Oct 30 2004, 06:58:52) //しばらくしてから Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory //電源投入 Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN System logging task is started on port 2. [CONSOLE:9] started. [ETHER INPUT: 5] started on MAC Addr: 00:02:cb:01:74:db. [ETHER OUTPUT:4] started. TINET Release 1.2 for JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (Oct 30 2004, 06:56:59) Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering Tomakomai National College of Technology, JAPAN [NET/TIMER:2] started. [TCP OUTPUT:3] started. %logdump //ログの内容を確認 2004/11/05 14:27:52 JST 0080 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0080 0080 80 //バックアップされている 2004/11/05 14:27:57 JST 0080 0080 0040 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 80 2004/11/05 14:28:01 JST 0080 0080 0080 0080 0080 0080 0040 0040 80 2004/11/05 14:28:03 JST 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0080 0080 0040 80 %logadd //3個のデータを追加 %logadd %logadd %logdump //ログの内容の確認 2004/11/05 14:27:52 JST 0080 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0080 0080 80 2004/11/05 14:27:57 JST 0080 0080 0040 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 80 2004/11/05 14:28:01 JST 0080 0080 0080 0080 0080 0080 0040 0040 80 2004/11/05 14:28:03 JST 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0080 0080 0040 80 2004/11/05 14:39:11 JST 0080 0080 0040 0080 0080 0080 0080 0040 80 2004/11/05 14:39:15 JST 0080 0080 0040 0080 0080 0080 0040 0080 80 2004/11/05 14:39:17 JST 0080 0080 0040 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 80 % *EEPROMによる環境変数の保管 [#u5a02542] JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (patchlevel = 1) for FDAU10 (Nov 14 2004, 05:49:47) Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN System logging task is started on port 2. [CONSOLE:7] started. [ETHER INPUT: 5] started on MAC Addr: 00:02:cb:01:74:db. [ETHER OUTPUT:4] started. TINET Release 1.2 for JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (Nov 14 2004, 07:21:48) Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering Tomakomai National College of Technology, JAPAN [NET/TIMER:2] started. [TCP OUTPUT:3] started. EEPROM initialize...done //EEPROM初期化 %[FDML RCV:9,1] start [FDML CLIENT:10,1] start [RTC:6] started. %printenvROM version = 10 //EEPROMが初期化された ADC channels = 8 IO channels = 8 HTTP script = /cgi-bin/log/pl HTTP host = HTTP port = 8080 HTTP priority = high HTTP auth ext = basic HTTP auth = DTU FDML system ID = DTU FDML group = 10561 FDML version = 1.0.2 ADC(0) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(1) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(2) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(3) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(4) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(5) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(6) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(7) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 IO(0) = IN 0 IO(1) = IN 0 IO(2) = IN 0 IO(3) = IN 0 IO(4) = IN 0 IO(5) = IN 0 IO(6) = IN 0 IO(7) = IN 0 % //ここで電源の再投入 JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (patchlevel = 1) for FDAU10 (Nov 14 2004, 05:49:47) Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN System logging task is started on port 2. [CONSOLE:7] started. [ETHER INPUT: 5] started on MAC Addr: 00:02:cb:01:74:db. [ETHER OUTPUT:4] started. TINET Release 1.2 for JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (Nov 14 2004, 07:21:48) Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering Tomakomai National College of Technology, JAPAN [NET/TIMER:2] started. [TCP OUTPUT:3] started. %[FDML RCV:9,1] start [FDML CLIENT:10,1] start [RTC:6] started. //EEPROMの初期化は行われない %printenv //EEPROM内容の確認 ROM version = 10 ADC channels = 8 IO channels = 8 HTTP script = /cgi-bin/log/pl HTTP host = HTTP port = 8080 HTTP priority = high HTTP auth ext = basic HTTP auth = DTU FDML system ID = DTU FDML group = 10561 FDML version = 1.0.2 ADC(0) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(1) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(2) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(3) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(4) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(5) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(6) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ADC(7) = v 20 V 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 IO(0) = IN 0 IO(1) = IN 0 IO(2) = IN 0 IO(3) = IN 0 IO(4) = IN 0 IO(5) = IN 0 IO(6) = IN 0 IO(7) = IN 0 % *全体のタスク処理 [#fa16913f] JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (patchlevel = 1) for FDAU10 (Nov 14 2004, 05:49:47) Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN System logging task is started on port 2. [CONSOLE:7] started. [ETHER INPUT: 5] started on MAC Addr: 00:02:cb:01:74:db. [ETHER OUTPUT:4] started. TINET Release 1.2 for JSP Kernel Release 1.4 (Nov 14 2004, 07:21:48) Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering Tomakomai National College of Technology, JAPAN [NET/TIMER:2] started. [TCP OUTPUT:3] started. %[FDML RCV:9,1] start [FDML CLIENT:10,1] start [RTC:6] started. POST /cgi-bin/log/pl 1.0.2 //起動時の送信 --7d126a16201ea Content-Type: application/x-fdml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?> <FDML version="1.0.2"> %logdump //ログ内容を確認(ひとつだけ) 2004/11/15 03:48:16 JST 0080 0080 0080 0080 0040 0080 0040 0080 04 %logdump //ログ内容を確認(増えている) 2004/11/15 03:48:16 JST 0080 0080 0080 0080 0040 0080 0040 0080 04 2004/11/15 03:48:26 JST 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0080 0080 0080 04 2004/11/15 03:48:38 JST 0080 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0080 0080 04 2004/11/15 03:48:48 JST 0080 0080 0040 0040 0080 0040 0080 0040 04 %POST /cgi-bin/log/pl 1.0.2 //2回目の送信 --7d126a16201ea Content-Type: application/x-fdml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?> <FDML version="1.0.2"> % POST /cgi-bin/log/pl 1.0.2 //3回目の送信 --7d126a16201ea Content-Type: application/x-fdml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?> <FDML version="1.0.2"> *FDML変換関数、および、HTTPヘッダの生成 [#d3d1ae74] -ログを添付 #ref(log-fdml.txt); *擬似センタへの接続 [#wcb57c75] -ログを添付 #ref(tcp0345.txt); #ref(log0345.txt);